Official Results
5 Dink Taylor, 47 - 5:27:42
9 DeWayne Satterfield, 48 - 5:48:07
25 Christy Scott, 40 - 6:33:37
At the 2012 Run through the Roses 10km, Kylie Lemon and Eric Charette repeated as overall winners on back to back weekends. Amidst 40 degree temps and a driving rain, Kylie lead the women on this hilly course with a near personal best 39:05 and was 2nd place overall behind Charette, who ran 36:36. Kylie had to rush off so she could make it to UAH Graduation for her Masters Degree!
Official Results
1 Eric Charette, 37 - 36:36
2 Kylie Lemon, 26 - 39:05
5 Katie Maehlmann, 35 - 42:26
7 Julia Clark, 28 - 42:52
At the SteepleChase 8km in Decatur under similar conditions, Brandon York also won on back to back weekends and repeated as the 3-time champion of this race.
At the 55th annual RRCA National Convention HTC President Eric Fritz ran 1:34 for the half marathon, finishing 25th overall and 3rd in his age group.
At the Homespun Wheels and Deals Charity 5K run in Athens, Eric Patterson notched his first career victory!
At the Spring Zing 5km in South Huntsville, Kylie Lemon notched another spring win with an 18:30 and taking 2nd place overall.
Official Results
In New Hope, Alabama, Eric Charette made it back to back to back overall wins at the Care Center 5km with a season best 17:16. Eric previously won this race in 2010 and 2011 (was not held in 2012 due to date change. Christy Scott was 2nd female overall and top women's master with a 21:41. Dink and Suzanne Taylor volunteered for the event.
Official Results
In Muscle Shoals at the Swampers 5km, Robert Whitaker was top men's master and 6th place overall.
Brandon York was the overall winner at the Mayor's Cup 5km in Tuscaloosa, AL against nearly 1,600 people. The story from can found here as well as some pictures.
At the National Cornbread Festival, Eric Fritz was top male master with a 20:37.
Official Results