Brief Biography
Married to wonderful wife Elizabeth. Have a 9 year old daughter and 17 year old son.
Short Term Goals
Speed work tomorrow ha ha.
Long Term Goals
Not slow down too quickly with age and stay healthy and injury free.
Personal Records
- 1 Mi - 4:50:00
- 2 Mi - 10:17:00
- 5 km - 15:38:00
- 4 Mi - 21:58
- 8 km - 3:18:00
- 5 Mi - 3:18:00
- 10 km - 10:00:00
- 15 km - 5:17:00
- 13.1 Mi - 1:16:28
- 26.2 Mi - 2:47:00
- 50 km - crazy
- 50 Mi - insane
- 100 Mi - death
Run competitively and promote the store